
Tips for Maintaining Trailer Braking Systems

Trailer Break Repair / April 15, 2019

semi-trailer brake systemNot a fan of roadside assistance? It might be a good idea to take a closer look at your trailer brakes. If it’s been a long time since you gave them a once-over, a tiny bit of maintenance could save you a long time on the side of the road – or a tragic accident. 

Check Your Brakes at the Beginning of Every Season

Seasonal brake maintenance is a wise way to forego unexpected delays and repairs. Maintenance is especially crucial after long bouts of exposure to wind, rain, snow, and ice, or after your trailer has been sitting idle for a long while. How can you make sure your brakes are in good working order?

  • Identify rust and corrosion before they take hold.
    Whether your trailer brakes come into contact with fresh or salt water, they are susceptible to rust and corrosion. Remove the wheels and hubs, checking components for corrosion, rust, and wear annually.
  • Verify brake fluid levels.
    Insufficient fluid levels are a common cause of braking problems. Check levels monthly, replacing fluid annually to inhibit internal corrosion and extend the life of brake system components.
  • Check pads on disc brake systems.
    When the ‘wear indicator’ comes in contact with the disc after enough pad material has been worn away, disc brakes squeal, indicating the need for pad replacement. Vibration in the wheel during brake application? You may need a rotor turn/replacement as well.
  • Don’t neglect drum brake maintenance.
    Drum brakes require more upkeep than disc brakes, including lubrication with moly-type grease on backing plates, along adjusters, hinge points, and actuator levers. When complete, adjust brakes so that linings touch the drum lightly.
  • Regularly rinse drum brakes on boat trailers.
    Drum brakes should be rinsed down with fresh water after use. Consider the addition of a 2V DC-powered pump kit for cleaning your entire boat and trailer at the end of each outing.
  • Address bearing needs promptly.
    Bearing maintenance needs go hand-in-hand with brake maintenance needs. Having your brakes inspected when it’s time for annual bearing maintenance is ideal. Can’t remember the last time you addressed wheel bearing maintenance needs? You’ll know it’s time for wheel bearing maintenance when you experienced decreased braking power (increased stopping distance), brake vibration, abnormal side-pull with brake application, or wheels lock. Abnormal tire wear, hot hub caps, and wheel seal leakage also point to the need for immediate bearing replacement.


Don’t let brake issues bring your day to a screeching halt. Handle routine brake and bearing maintenance needs fast with the help of Ainsworth Trailer Repair today.