
Fastest Ways to Destroy Your Boat Trailer

Boat Trailer Repair / July 23, 2020

Are you beating up your boat trailer? Americans can be tough on their toys. While it’s easy to turn a blind eye to maintenance needs, ignoring wear and tear will ultimately immobilize your boat and put an end to fun on the waves. Give your trailer a little TLC, avoiding the hassles of unnecessary boat trailer repair by avoiding these destructive habits.

5 Ways You’re Destroying Your Boat Trailer 

  1. Using the wrong trailer for the job.
    While a smaller, cheaper trailer can be tempting, using the wrong sized trailer for your boat increases the likelihood of premature wear and accidents.
  2. Skipping the post-excursion cleaning.
    Saltwater, sand, and debris can corrode your boat trailer, making it essential to wash down your trailer after every outing. Rollers and runners can stick, steel can rust, and aluminum crack with neglect. Wash your trailer and check it for wear regularly, right after launching your boat, for an unencumbered view of all components.
  3. Toting your boat on worn tires.
    Tires are one of the top reasons for mobile trailer repair calls. Toting a trailer on cracked or bald tires, with uneven tread, improper pressure, or bulging sidewalls is dangerous, and can lead to a blowout. It only takes a few minutes to verify tires are inflated to manufacturer specifications.
  4. Neglecting your wheel bearings.
    Operating on worn, hot wheel bearings can rob your boat trailer of years of life. Your trailer wheel bearings should be checked annually for heat damage and wear. When in doubt, take your trailer into our shop for trailer bearing repair and maintenance. We’ll make quick work of replacing or repacking wheel bearings, so you don’t get stuck roadside.
  5. Bouncing around on a worn suspension.
    Rusted or worn leaf springs and suspension components create a harder ride. As you bang along down pothole-ridden roads, this takes an increasingly harsh toll on your trailer, and the boat resting atop it.

Taking Care of Your Trailer Doesn’t Have to Be a Hassle

We know your busy and the last thing you want to do is spend your free time fumbling through trailer maintenance. That’s why the Ainsworth trailer repair shop offers fast, affordable trailer repairs. Our “express lanes” ensure maintenance and repair work is performed in hours – not days – so you can get back to enjoying your precious time off.

Contact Ainsworth Trailer Repair for a trustworthy repair maintenance and estimate today.