
Mobile Trailer Repair in Denver—Why Bent Couplers Are Replaced

Articles / November 16, 2015

In 1998, we started as a mobile trailer repair service in Denver, one that you now know as Ainsworth Trailer Repair of Denver. Even as we have been successful and now have a large, 20,000 square foot shop with 13 repair bays and 10 full time mechanics, we still perform mobile trailer repair.

Blog3 AinsworthTrailer-KW trailer Coupler repair 16-11-7One of the items we find ourselves serving on location is an often overlooked part of the recreational and utility trailer combination, the humble coupler.  It is indeed amazing how much thought and consideration by so many goes into the selection of the perfect ball for the hitch and how little attention is paid to the coupler that gets mounted upon it.

This is understandable to a degree. The typical ball mounted coupler is an ordinary looking stamped piece of steel. However, that coupler may not be well matched for your hitch set up, or isn’t even the one originally installed on your trailer if you bought it used, or may be the correct style of replacement but not correctly load rated for what you put it through. Additionally, between the hitch and the coupler, the coupler is the failure point in the towing set up. By design, the coupler is more easily torqued and tweaked from true in order to spare the frame of your truck and the frame of the trailer.

Any coupler that is no longer easy to mount upon the ball is a candidate for our mobile trailer repair service anywhere in the Denver area we serve. Especially if your trailer is used commercially, it is imperative for your good standing with your insurer that you not haul a trailer with a suspect coupler. Taking a trailer on a public road after you beat a tweaked coupler with a sledgehammer trying to fit it on the ball, is not wise. The ultimate tensile strength of a bent coupler has been compromised by the forces that deformed it. Working a bent coupler back into form will not relieve the stresses that were put into the steel, and it will be more easily bent back to the old set, but now with even more metal fatigue.

If you need a new coupler right away, you should call upon our vaunted 24/7 mobile trailer repair services in Denver. Chances are excellent that we will have the correct trailer coupler for your application.